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Monthly Archives: October 2018

I do not easily find my rest in Him alone. And until I do, I will find that I am in constant struggle; or a lazy Christian walk; or in a sense of failure; or in a self-defense mode built on comparing my accomplishments with others.

The extent of “Christ in me; the hope of glory;” of “The Lord My Righteousness,” and of “I can do all things through Christ my strength” —- must be complete. Otherwise, I have something of my own accomplishments, of my “hidden resources” upon which I very secretly – or boastfully when I am most a hypocrite – rely upon.

We do not initiate the search that brings us to God; He does; for intimacy, joy, and fellowship for Love’s sake —- and our sake.
He makes us in the likeness of Himself: He is Love.
Jesus; praying to “Our” Father said: “My glory I give to them.”

We cannot by life’s best efforts; and certainly not – due to the sin in our lives – “make” ourselves good. Life was given us. An eternally pure life must also be His workmanship. Would not the absolute need for holiness only be an atrocity if God had not known that He and only He can be our Righteousness?

We must be born again. We must be born from on high. We must be washed of our sins.

In this life, we have the choice to come clean; that is, to confess that we have been part of the problem for we have sinned. We will be in hypocrisy if; by comparison with other’s bad deed, we excuse ourselves.

Dare we ask Him to altogether be our Savior? It can be no other way.
